Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Maria João Trindade
It was my first time in a translation conference and I was impressed. It's hard to summarize how much I've learned in a weekend, the valuable contacts I've made and the inspiration it brought me to keep investing in my career. The only downside I could point out is that maybe the days were too long, starting really early and ending quite late. Maybe next time APTrad could do a 3 day conference, from 10am to 5pm? That would also allow us more time to meet new colleagues and discuss what we've learned throughout with the day. Other than that, from my point of view, it was perfect!
Carla Sousa
My opinion: as an attendee, I must say that it was impossible to be in several rooms at the same time, so I chose what I felt that best fulfilled my needs at the moment. Sorry, for those I was not able to see. I think we need more conferences, right? As a speaker, this was an amazing time. I love to share my knowledge, although not everything worked as planned. I learned a lot from this and from the people in the room. Thank you all for being there. As a participant in a few things in terms of organisation: I must say that “half a dozen” people did an EXCELLENT WORK. It is not easy to organize a conference like this, being an association that has just given the first steps and that depends on the free time, volunteer work of the members, love and dedication to translation! A big round of applause for Paula, Rui and José. You deserve it! AWESOME! MAGNIFICENT! Congratulations!
Ekaterina Guerbek
I really enjoyed the Conference, and I always admire your beautiful city. Very interesting program and excellent speakers. Thank you!
Courtney Greenlaw
I greatly enjoyed the conference. Everything was extremely well-organized and everyone was welcoming, friendly and attentive. The subjects were interesting and the schedule was very well respected. I have never been to such a fun, friendly and stimulating conference. The venues, activities and guides for the social events were also wonderful. You have my highest compliments! I will definitely be attending the 2018 conference! Thanks for this relaxing and informative experience.
Carla Ribeiro
PARABÉNS pela organização da conferência! Só tive pena de não poder assistir a mais sessões, pois havia vários temas do meu interesse a serem discutidos ao mesmo tempo! Foi também a minha 1ª conferência, e confesso que os assuntos abordados deram-me muito em que (re)pensar…
Camila Costa
Primeiramente, parabéns pelo evento, um dos melhores que já participei! Valeu a pena sair do Brasil e ir até Portugal! Palestras relevantes, além de uma excelente oportunidade para conhecer novos colegas, em uma cidade tão linda como Porto! Como sugestões, seria bom ter uma espécie de cartaz/estandarte/totem (não sei como chamam isso em Portugal) na entrada, com o logo do evento, para que pudéssemos tirar fotos e divulgar! Também gostaria de sugerir um terceiro dia, para que a programação fosse melhor dividida, para acabar mais cedo, ou começar mais tarde. Por fim, palestras abordando legendagem/transcrição, tradução literária ou em idiomas "diferentes" e instituições que ofereçam cursos de especialização também seriam bem-vindas! Nos vemos em 2018! Camila Costa
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Photo GalleryComment/Feedback
Alina Cincan
Andrew Morris
Camila Costa
Carla Ribeiro
Carla Sousa
Cláudia Anjos Lopes
Courtney Greenlaw
Ekaterina Guerbek
Fátima Noronha
Geraldo Quintas
Ivone Oliveira
João Costeira
Jorge Cosme
Kim Edwards-Buarque
Maria João Trindade
Maria Joaquina Marques
Michael Farrell
Paula Silva
Sara Nogueira
Sónia Costa
Sue Leschen
Verónica Oliveira
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