Aptrad’s 1st International Conference - Ana Luiza Iaria
Aptrad’s 1st International Conference
Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Thank you for having joined us in Porto for Aptrad’s 1st International Conference! See you in 2018!
Ana Luiza Iaria

Ana Luiza Iaria (MSc, MITI, CL (Translator), ATA member) is a former lawyer who practiced Law for many years in Brazil before starting out as a translator. As well as a Law degree, she also holds a first degree in Languages and an MSc in Translation and Translation Technology; and teaches several subjects, including Publishing Skills, at the MSc in Translation at Imperial College London as a Visiting Lecturer. Apart from presenting papers on legal translation at international conferences, she also presents workshops on tools and productivity for translators. Law is her main area of interest, but she is also a geek at heart.

Career move: is it worth being a translator?

Presentation in:

Many translators start later in life, as second career, oftentimes born from disappointment with their chosen profession or the need to earn a living while unemployed. This move usually brings into the market high calibre professionals who have a lot to contribute to the translation market enriching the profession with their experience and knowledge. Given its dynamics and the high level of expectation and requirements in terms of marketing, technology and entrepreneurship, the current translation market is the ideal place for such professionals.


This presentation is based on the speaker’s own professional move in 1990 – as many translators, starting a second profession working for her former employers.

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