Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Susana Valdez
Susana Valdez – author of the blog O Tradutor - is a Scientific and Technical Translator (since 2004), an Invited Professor at FCSH-Univ. Nova and a Translation Studies researcher at ULICES. She holds two Postgraduate courses, one in Translation Studies (FLUL) and another in Terminology (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and a MA in Translation Studies (FLUL). She is currently working on her PHD on specialized translation.
A freelancer as a team member: the translation project life cycle
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Although it is widely known that professional translation is carried out by teams, there is little research on how professionals entrusted with different roles work and influence each other. Not surprisingly, the translation agents and the translation phases of projects are yet to be closely documented and examined: who are they?; what roles do they perform?; what is the link between their role in the translation process and the translation phase?
In order to provide in-depth information into this real-life translation situation, a case-study approach was adopted to conduct this exploratory study. The research was based on the qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews and of communication exchanged between a freelancer translator and a local Portuguese translation company and was able to characterize medical and biopharmaceutical translation as part of a dynamic system composed of thirteen agents from document and translation initiator, and LQA to the Translator.
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