Aptrad’s 1st International Conference - Valeria Aliperta
Aptrad’s 1st International Conference
Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Thank you for having joined us in Porto for Aptrad’s 1st International Conference! See you in 2018!
Valeria Aliperta

Valeria Aliperta (member of IAPTI and Head of External Relations, Member of the IoL, ASETRAD and TRADINFO) is an Italian native speaker and a freelancer from 2006. Valeria studied a BA in Translation from the University of Genoa and an MA in Conference Interpreting in Forlì and now works as a freelance from English, Spanish and French into her native Italian. After an Erasmus programme in Spain and a Leonardo programme in London, Valeria moved to the UK for good and launched Rainy London Translations, a business now running for the 7th year. Her main activity these days involves creative text and interpreting all over Europe. Along with talks and webinars for associations and international conferences, she writes articles and guest posts. She has also just launched a new project, The Stylish Freelancer (www.thestylishfreelancer.com) a blog that talks style, productivity, business and freelancing life in general.

How I’ve become a pro without losing my soul aka: a few steps to get it right

Presentation in:

The life of a student: that magical time when the meetup down at the pub and the notes of that 8am sought-after class you never attended are all you need in your life. That's the idyllic time where you just chillax and can't be bothered about what comes next, after graduation.


Well, nobody is going to to answer those questions for you: 

- Is THIS career what I want?

- Do I have what it takes to succeed?

- How do I know I'm making the right choice?

- How to tackle sticky situations?

- And my pension?

- What to do with an unhappy client?

- My invoice was wrong. And now?

- How do I find clients, and where?  

- ... business plan? What's that?


This talk is for those who start out but also for those who:

- do not see clear objectives in their business - and should 

- are unhappy with results  - and need a fresh view on things

- need to be supported and comforted, because they're not alone - and if I could do it, you can too.


Tips, examples and ideas to go from student to business person – the “busylancer”: we'll see how sometimes apparently irrelevant decisions are game changers; how to deal with hard times; why it is important to plan your future and strategy and much more as the real key to freelancing success - and sanity.

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