Aptrad’s 1st International Conference
Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Thank you for having joined us in Porto for Aptrad’s 1st International Conference! See you in 2018!

A conference is a gathering of like-minded professional individuals to discuss industry news, developments and progress. Conferences represent an excellent opportunity to hear some of the leading people in our field, to learn from them, and to push ourselves to attain ever higher standards in our professional practice.

Ellen Singer

Youth versus experience

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Ellen Singer is a translator and language tutor with nearly twenty years of experience as a full time translator and project manager. She co-owns a small technical translation agency that focuses on quality.

Ellen has been working with CAT tools since the late 1990s. She loves ... read more

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Francesca Matteoda

Yoga session for translators and interpreters

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Francesca was born and brought up in London, UK, but is of Italian origin, hence the name. She has been a freelance translator since 2000, but also does project management for a few end clients as a sole trader, specialising in medical and pharmaceutical translations.

Francesca has ... read more

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Graça Chorão

Bridging the gap between the academia and the professional world: ISCAP and APTRAD set the pace

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Graça Chorão holds a PhD in Translation from the University of Vigo and has been a lecturer at Higher Education Institutions for more than 25 years. Her research interests focus mainly on Audiovisual Translation, Conference Interpreting, and Liaison ... read more

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Inga Michaeli

A Rough Guide to Translating Guide Books

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Inga Michaeli, founder of Wander Words, has translated over 220 titles – fiction, non-fiction and lots of DK and LP travel guides – as well as many hours of movies and TV shows, academic articles and marketing texts in need of some oomph. She ia former Chair of the Israel Translators ... read more

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Asetrad is the Spanish Association of Translators, Proofreaders and Interpreters. Founded in 2003, it's committed to raising public awareness of the social importance of translation, proofreading and interpreting and to defending the interests of...




SDL Language Solutions offers innovative market-leading translation software to the entire translation supply chain, including freelance translators, language service...