Aptrad’s 1st International Conference
Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Thank you for having joined us in Porto for Aptrad’s 1st International Conference! See you in 2018!

A conference is a gathering of like-minded professional individuals to discuss industry news, developments and progress. Conferences represent an excellent opportunity to hear some of the leading people in our field, to learn from them, and to push ourselves to attain ever higher standards in our professional practice.

Sarah Griffin-Mason

Community of Practice

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Sarah Griffin-Mason is a lecturer in Translation Studies, a freelance translator, editor and educator, and Vice Chair of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting. She has more than 20 years of translation and editing experience, both in-house and freelance, and recently took up a ... read more

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The art of boosting sales as a freelance translator - A perspective from a SMARTIDIOM’s project manager

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With a Degree in Administrative Assistance and Translation, followed by a Masters Study in Specialized Translation and Interpreting at ISCAP, Porto, Tiago became a professional freelance translator in 2009.

From then on, he got to know some of the different roles played by a ... read more

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Sue Leschen

The Translator/ Interpreter as Entrepreneur – how to be enterprising!

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Sue Leschen is a lawyer – linguist and the Director of Avocate a niche market legal and commercial French interpreting and translation company based in Manchester, UK.


Avocate is also an independent provider of professional conduct, legal terminology and business ... read more

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Susana Valdez

A freelancer as a team member: the translation project life cycle

Presentation in:

Susana Valdez – author of the blog O Tradutor - is a Scientific and Technical Translator (since 2004), an Invited Professor at FCSH-Univ. Nova and a Translation Studies researcher at ULICES. She holds two Postgraduate courses, one in Translation Studies (FLUL) and another in Terminology ... read more

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IntelliWebSearch is designed to save translators, interpreters, editors and terminologists time when searching the web. Pressing a convenient shortcut key copies selected text from your translation environment, opens your browser and sends the...




ISCAP belongs to one of Portugal's largest and most prestigious public Polytechnic Institutes, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). In the field of Translation, Iscap offers graduate programs in Administrative Assistance and Translation, a...