Aptrad’s 1st International Conference
Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Thank you for having joined us in Porto for Aptrad’s 1st International Conference! See you in 2018!

A conference is a gathering of like-minded professional individuals to discuss industry news, developments and progress. Conferences represent an excellent opportunity to hear some of the leading people in our field, to learn from them, and to push ourselves to attain ever higher standards in our professional practice.

Percy Balemans

Forget What You Learned in School: Make Your Writing More Lively

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Percy Balemans graduated from the School of Translation and Interpreting in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in 1989. After working with a translation agency as an in-house translator for a few years, she served as a technical writer and copywriter, information designer, web editor, and ... read more

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Phillippa May Bennett

Translation and interpreting in a clinical context: a case study

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Phillippa May Bennett has been based in Coimbra, Portugal since 2011 where she runs PMB Translations, specialising in Portuguese to English translations in the medical field. Prior to living in Portugal, she spent 5 years in Brazil, where she worked both as a translator and an English teacher. ... read more

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Rita Menezes

Design Thinking for Creative Services

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Rita Menezes is an established translator, proofreader and contents writer since 2002, specialized in Marketing, Business and Audiovisual; in 2014, she began teaching Translation Theories and Practices and, since 2015, she is a certified business coach. Since 2015, she is the owner and ... read more

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Rui Sousa

Freelancer and Project Manager? Why not?

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Holding a degree in Translation Studies since 2006, Rui Sousa is a freelance translator working from English, French and Spanish into European Portuguese. He works in translation industry for almost a decade and has a wide experience as a project manager, trainer and speaker in several ... read more

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Interlex Language Services

Interlex Language Services started in the Netherlands 13 years ago as a one-person, one- language operation. We now have a ‘family’ of over 100 translators who support us in more than 30 languages.  What makes us different from...




ISCAP belongs to one of Portugal's largest and most prestigious public Polytechnic Institutes, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). In the field of Translation, Iscap offers graduate programs in Administrative Assistance and Translation, a...